EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2022-04-28.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.

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Lithium ore.
Lithium Ore includes all ore with Lithium content. When listing Lithium Ore please state clearly the percentage of Lithium content, other details as to the quality of the Ore. Please also state the form of the material eg: screened to minus one inch

Listing ID: LW1328613
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
10000 MT Month
Price Funds Per Unit
- - -

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 91 ) DATE
LA1336786 Available Lithium . 2022-09-01 13:17:00
LA1335987 Available Lithium. 2022-08-19 16:48:00
LW1335122 Wanted Lithium ore. 2022-08-07 23:14:00
LA1335054 Available Lithium Ore. 2022-08-06 09:28:00
LW1328613 Wanted Lithium ore. 2022-04-28 17:46:00
LA1325445 Available Lithium Ore. 2022-02-27 22:05:00
LA1324648 Available Lithium ore. 2022-02-12 18:06:00
LW1322678 Wanted lithium ore. 2022-01-07 15:16:00
LA1310803 Available Lithium hydroxide . 2021-07-05 03:25:00
LA1309542 Available Lithium hydroxide . 2021-06-16 13:39:00
LA1308082 Available Modified Lithium 7. 2021-05-27 10:47:00
LW1301223 Wanted Lithium Ore. 2021-03-15 11:28:00
LW1298081 Wanted batteries uses Lithium . 2021-02-05 08:00:00
LA1298017 Available Lithium Brena. 2021-02-04 15:08:00
LA1297146 Available Lithium carbonate. 2021-01-26 07:30:00
LA1293591 Available Lithium Brena. 2020-12-16 07:18:00
LW1273594 Wanted lithiumn ore. 2020-06-05 01:09:00
LA1257991 Available Lithium metal. 2019-12-03 07:07:00
LA1253870 Available lithium. 2019-09-20 18:39:00
LA1241750 Available petalite. 2019-04-04 15:43:00
LW1236705 Wanted Lithium Carbonate. 2019-02-05 11:11:00
LW1234280 Wanted lithium. 2019-01-07 11:47:00
LA1232861 Available petalite. 2018-12-17 08:01:00
LA1229686 Available salt brine Li . 2018-11-04 10:57:00
LW1216667 Wanted lithium. 2018-05-05 13:13:00
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